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Hunting Down cobalt Instances

cobalt, if you don't know, is an awesome social media content downloader. You all know those wonderful "youtube to mp3 no virus plz" sites. They are full of ads and tracking. That's where cobalt comes in. It supports a ton of different social media sites to download content.

Since cobalt is open source, anyone can grab the code and host their own instance. However, there is an official instance located at A few months ago, there was a small list floating around in the cobalt Discord of community instances. These were ones run by anyone and for fun. I decided to make a tracker for these instances.

Plugin Update Checkers

I have a decent chunk of plugins that I created for Minecraft. One feature I really like in them are update checkers. Server admins usually get lazy and don’t check themselves, so having the plugin automatically tell them is easier. There’s a few ways to achieve this.